

BIRTHDAY thirteenth of february


LIKES lani, mel, taking care of people/things, routine, soup-like foods, the grocery store, her mom

DISLIKES dee, people disappearing, how lani talks about dee like hes dead, smoking

shes just trying to find a routine to fall into... or something of the sort? she is built up by staying to things, to people. waking up, cooking, eating, buying groceries, and taking care of the ones in her life. she is ever loyal to the people in her life with affections to her. people spend their affections differently. she finds them through words, actions, or what they intend for you to do, what they intend, what they wish you could be. something good. to her, there is nothing more pleasant to hear than someone wanting you to live beautifully, . but beauty is in the eye of the beholder? what a headache! just keep walking nin, and don't ever change.

sharp eyes, though she looks a little angry or bored most of the time because of them... she is quite tall. her hair is short, with one strand on the side of her face longer than the rest, for no particular reason. her face is on the more masculine features, change a bit of how she presents herself and people could mistake her for a guy. she wears multiple layers of clothing, a white button up shirt, a handmade green sweater, and an old light brown jacket. though the jacket is usually off, to avoid her overheating in this city... usually wears any long pairs of pants, mostly jeans. keeps a rosarie with her, in case her mom asks. her voice is deep, but she tries to be gentle spoken as possible.